Our top 10 late Summer and early Autumn flowers you’ll love
To a florist, this time of year is the best! The variety on offer is fantastic and our locally grown flowers are at their very best and most abundant. Why not select a few of favourite varieties listed below and make yourself an abundant vase full. Or just a few stems, popped in bud vases, is pretty special too …
Locally grown dahlias
Like peonies, which bloom May & June, the appearance of dahlias later on is something to celebrate. They come in so many forms, from single daisy-like flowers to multi petalled spheres and ruffles and range in size from small 2 inch blooms to dinner plate monsters! And the range of colours is spectacular from barely there soft pastels to vibrant and rich saturated colour. Vase life is typically 5- 7 days.
These have beautiful ruffled petals and often have subtle (or not so subtle!) scents which standard cultivated roses rarely have.They often have a spray form, with many flower heads on the one stem instead of a single large bloom. The range of colours is huge. Vase life is less than standard roses sadly and their beauty is fleeting, often only lasting around 3 days once cut. But these are special.
A vase featuring garden rose, delphinium & clematis
These towering country garden spires of multiple headed fluffy blooms are gorgeous on their own or as part of a mixed bouquet. Most often in blue, but also in white, lilac and pink, they’ll last 7-10 days.
This is a wonderful, versatile star shaped cut flower that we use all year round but at this time of year we love the very soft lilac and off white flowers that are available.Their vine-like habit gives beautiful flow and movement and they’ll last in a vase around 5-7 days.
These delicate open face flowers with vibrant yellow centres, nod in the breeze in the garden and in the vase they give a lovely movement to arrangements as they seem to float and dance. The colours are limited to white, pink and pinky-lilac and vase life is around 5 days or so once the flowers are open. Perfect for special table flowers, bud vases and wedding bouquets.
Japanese anemone, garden rose & dahlia for a bridesmaid's bouquet
With their daisy-like shape, dark centres and Autumnal colours in shades of cream, orange, rust, pinky-brown and yellow these make the perfect flowers for this time of year. Also known as Black Eyed Susan, and often taken for miniature sunflowers, they last really well in a vase- often 7-10 days.
Our namesake, so of course we love these floral spires! They are jolly, long lasting and give interest to bouquets where having ony round flowers can look a little flat. They come in a wide range of colours in both soft and bright shades. Vase life, 7-10 days.
Soft shades in this posy vase featuring dahlia & rudbeckia
A cottage garden staple, that seems to float and sway amongst their soft fern like foliage. This delicate flower, also known as ‘Love in a Mist’ comes in many shades of blue and also in pink and white. Expect around 4-5 days in a vase.
Most of the year, the Dutch grown phlox we can source is pretty uninspiring, but late Summer onwards our locally grown phlox in tones of caramel, pink and white are a different thing altogether. Enjoy now while available. Vase life 5-7 days.
These bold, cheerful blooms come in many forms -large single flowers and small multi-headed sprays- and in a huge range of colours. In a vase, as long as the leaves are removed, will outlive most other cut flowers, lasting 7-14 days.